Criteria for article submissions:
We would be delighted to receive your thought-leadership pieces, articles and insights. We can only accept content that reflects thought-leadership insights on broad local or international topics related to our industry that would be of interest to Jersey Finance Members or our wider international audiences. We are keen to highlight Jersey’s appeal as a forward-thinking International Finance Centre.
We don’t accept marketing/sales-focused content relating to your company or non-English content. Maximum word count: 1000
Our website requires the use of imagery for each article. Please upload an appropriate image to accompany this article – this could be a photo of the subject or topic, or of your office building. Please do not submit logos. Should an image not be submitted we will choose an appropriate image from our stock library.
Options to add author details and a photo are available. Content will not be edited by Jersey Finance, however your submission will be placed within the Jersey Finance brand guidelines. If you have any queries, please contact
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