Podcasts › Jersey Heard, our must-listen finance podcast, covers everything from sustainable finance and ESG developments, economics and investing for the future to careers and wellbeing. Listen to investment experts discuss views and insights from Jersey’s finance industry. On the podcast, listeners will hear case studies from financial services experts who share their own professional experiences and commentary on macroeconomic issues and financial market impacts.
Research & Articles › Read expert views on a range of money-related topics including fintech, banking, corporate and investor-related themes as well as cutting-edge research from world-leading finance experts and academics. We regularly commission special research on sectors, markets and special issues of central importance to the international finance industry and its investors. Our research is often featured in leading financial publications.
Factsheets › We have easy-to-follow factsheets containing essential legal and governance information covering key financial management and investing topics ranging from Jersey funds for UK real estate investment, capital markets and collateralised debt obligations’ to digital assets and Jersey's Constitution.
Video › Watch a range of short films about our events, learn about the unique characteristics and opportunities in our international markets and for non-finance professionals, our Put Simply series can help with your financial literacy.