Jersey has a responsibility to leverage its expertise and capital to support the transition to an environmentally and socially sustainable global economy.

As a dynamic, focussed and forward-thinking international finance centre, we have the power to accelerate this journey and help create a brighter and sustainable future for all.

In July 2020, we commissioned Andrew Mitchell, Founder and CEO of Equilibrium Futures, to support us in developing a vision and a initial two-year plan to build Jersey’s reputation as a jurisdiction of choice for sustainable finance.

The team at Equilibrium Futures combined desk research with two virtual visioning workshops and 30 one-to-one interviews with leading stakeholders from Jersey’s finance industry. Their feedback underpins the following documents.

Jersey for Good – A Sustainable Future outlines our long-term strategy, along with a high-ambition collective vision for our industry. To set us on the right path to achieving our long-term vision, we have also developed Jersey’s Pathway to Success, an initial two-year plan to accelerate our journey towards a sustainable future.

The Pathway to Success will allow Jersey to deliver on the following critical success factors for the Vision:

  • A world-class sustainable finance ecosystem
  • Deep industry expertise in sustainable finance
  • A reputation for sustainable finance on a sustainable Island
  • An enhanced business environment for sustainable finance
  • Effective collaboration across stakeholders

Both our strategy report and the two-year Pathway document can be downloaded below. You can also view a recording of the launch event here.


Stakeholder Insights

Videos: Jersey for Good – Stakeholder Insights
Following the launch of our sustainable finance strategy, these short videos provide insights from some of our key partners in government, the regulator and industry.
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