
Welcome to the Jersey Finance SDG Alignment Tool, your gateway to a deeper understanding of how your investments and financed economic activities impact the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Aligning and unlocking finance is key to achieving the SDGs, and this starts with an informed financial services community.

The tool is designed to empower you with insights into how the economic activities and sectors financed from Jersey relate to the SDGs, shedding light on both their positive and negative impacts. It also sets out actions you can take, whatever your role in Jersey’s financial services sector.

For industry sectors

What’s inside:
Consider the industry sectors that your investments, or your clients, provide financing to. For each sector, you will discover between 3 and 6 SDGs that each industry sector can typically and most significantly impact, whether through positive contributions or negative impacts. You will also find some suggested actions to optimise positive SDG alignment when financing this sector. This will equip you with an understanding of the implications of financed activities and advice, enabling you to influence, manage and take action in support of the SDGs.

As responsible investors and finance industry professionals, it’s essential to grasp how your decisions, advice and support influence and enable the world’s progress towards achieving the SDGs. This tool gives you a clearer picture of the SDG impacts of different sectors you may be financing. It also suggests ways in which financing could be best aligned with the goals to contribute positively to the specific SDGs associated with your selected sectors.

For roles

What’s inside:
Steps you can take to help achieve the SDGs will depend to a large extent on your role within the financial services ecosystem. Whether you’re actively driving change or simply curious, we uncover some of the key actions which can be undertaken by different job roles people have in IFCs such as Jersey, together with some further actions that everyone can take.


In IFCs such as Jersey, a range of professionals with varied job titles play pivotal roles in shaping the flow of finance. Although financing decisions are not always made in IFCs, there is still much that can be influenced through the value chain. For example, investment managers may make the ultimate decisions about what to finance, but these are informed by, supported by and followed up by administrators to support processes and reporting, auditors to verify information, bankers to supply capital, trustees to educate and act on their beneficiaries’ wishes, and compliance officers ensuring regulations are met. This tool gives you a clearer view of how you can influence SDG impacts in your job role working in an IFC such as Jersey.

Cross-cutting opportunities: Why SDG 13 and SDG 17 are critical for all sectors

SDG 17

SDG 17, ‘Partnerships for the Goals’, is relevant for all sectors due to its fundamental role in catalysing collective action for sustainable development. The SDGs are interconnected and achieving them requires a problem-solving approach from across sectors, from healthcare and education to energy and finance. SDG 17 serves as the keystone that brings these sectors together, fostering collaboration and shared responsibility. In an increasingly interconnected world, industries must recognise that their actions have far-reaching impacts, and by embracing SDG 17, they commit to actively participating in global solutions, from addressing climate change and poverty to advancing human rights and gender equality.

Furthermore, SDG 17 recognises the critical need for resource mobilisation and innovative financing mechanisms. This emphasis on financial partnerships and investment aligns with the reality that achieving the SDGs requires substantial financial commitments. All sectors and industries have a role to play in resource allocation and mobilisation, whether through responsible investment practices, philanthropic initiatives, or research and development efforts aimed at creating sustainable products and technologies. By making SDG 17 a critical consideration, sectors and industries acknowledge their shared responsibility for driving global progress, unlocking new opportunities, and mitigating risks associated with sustainability challenges.

SDG 13

SDG 13, ‘Climate Action’, is not included as a core SDG of every sector in this tool. However, it should be noted that every sector needs to consider this goal because climate change poses an existential threat to all communities, ecosystems, and economies, and every sector will have an impact. Climate change is a global challenge that transcends borders and affects every aspect of our lives. Industries are significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, making them both part of the problem and a crucial part of the solution. Embracing SDG 13 means acknowledging the role industries play in climate change and committing to transformative actions.

By making SDG 13 a critical consideration, sectors and industries align with global efforts to limit global warming and its devastating consequences. This goal necessitates adopting sustainable practices, reducing emissions, and transitioning to cleaner energy sources. It also encourages industries to innovate and develop climate-resilient technologies and solutions. Beyond the moral imperative, businesses that integrate climate action into their core strategies can gain a competitive advantage, enhance their reputation, reduce risk and tap into growing markets for sustainable products and services.

Definitions for ‘core’ and ‘important’ goals

For each sector, this tool distinguishes between ‘core’ and ‘important’ SDGs as defined below:

Core SDG definition:

A ‘core’ goal is one where the sector typically has potential to directly and/or purposefully contribute to or detract from the objectives of the SDG. The fulfillment of core SDGs often facilitates contributions to other SDGs, including ‘important’ goals.

Important SDG definition:

An ‘important’ goal refers to an SDG that, whilst not core, still holds substantial relevance for the sector due to wider, indirect and/or associated impacts of the sector. The fulfillment of important SDGs often facilitates contributions to other SDGs due to their intersectionality.


This online tool is only intended to provide a general overview of the subject matter. It does not constitute, and should not be treated as, legal advice.