Why become a member?

Business Benefits As the 'voice' of Jersey's international finance centre, Jersey Finance's primary objective is to promote and represent Jersey as jurisdiction of excellence on behalf of its members.

We are proud of our relationship with members across all industry sectors, and continue to work closely with key stakeholders including governmental and regulatory bodies, to ensure that Jersey’s current and future interests are kept front of mind and that the value of our industry, both locally and internationally is recognised. This collaborative approach and influential network, along with our extensive programme of events, communications activity and evidence-based research, are key advantages we offer through our membership programme.

How Jersey Finance Membership benefits your business and team

Check if Your Firm is Eligible for Membership

To be a Member of Jersey Finance, your firm must have at least one person employed in Jersey and fulfil one of the following conditions:

  • Is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission and provides financial services in or from Jersey; or

  • Provides financial services in or from Jersey but is not regulated because it can take advantage of an appropriate exemption; or

  • Is a family office or other administrative office in Jersey providing financial or related services to one family only (or connected families) but does not otherwise offer its services to the public; or

  • Offers legal, accounting or other professional services related to financial services, including providing technology software or consultancy related to financial services

Membership Benefits

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If you or your business qualify for Jersey Finance membership, you can take advantage of a range of benefits listed here. If you do not meet the membership qualifying criteria, you can still enjoy access to the website as a 'guest' and sign up to receive a selection of regular newsletters.

CEO Connect, a ‘bolt-on’ to membership for CEOs and senior partners (find out more below)
Attend exclusive Member-only complimentary Jersey Finance events
Participate in Technical Working Groups and Consultations
Receive Jersey Finance newsletters providing news, views and updates about our industry
Access detailed Technical information on website
Website Access
Publish certain press releases and articles on website
Opportunities to submit case studies in bespoke Jersey Finance publications and collateral
Opportunities to publish news on our Community channel
Participate in Future Connect, a free events programme for those just starting out in the finance industry
Opportunity to participate in Jersey Finance events as sponsor, panellist/ speaker
Access discounted and complimentary tickets for certain Third-Party events
Receive Notice of AGM and associated documents
Attend and vote at AGM
Participate in our Life at Finance student work placement programme
Have a listing in Member Directory
Participate in Community of Interest meetings
Create your individual account for our website
Register your business for membership of Jersey Finance

The CEO Connect Programme

CEO Connect CEO Connect is a ‘bolt on’ option to membership and provides CEOs with timely and informative content as well as a host of additional benefits:
  • Advance briefings of report launches
  • Frequent thought-leadership sessions with high-profile speakers from Jersey, the UK and Europe
  • Strategic consultation for financial and related professional services (FRPS) policy through ‘Chatham House’ style bi-annual CEO Connect meetings
  • Ability to post Jersey-based jobs and events on our website

As an additional benefit of your membership, we organise and deliver successful CEO Connect events on top of our extensive events programme, where you will be joined by the CEOs of various organisations based in Jersey.

In the past year, our CEO Connect Members have heard from the below high-profile speakers at our exclusive thought-leadership sessions:

  • Miles Celic, Chief Executive Officer, TheCityUK
  • Andrew Sentance CBE
  • Neil Parker, FX Market Strategist, NatWest Markets
  • Babak Abbaszadeh, President and Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Centre
  • Sophie Sirtaine, Chief Executive Officer, CGAP
  • Pippa Begg, Chief Executive Officer, Board Intelligence
  • Baroness Helena Morrissey

Please note, a member of your team must be based in Jersey and at CEO or C-suite level to qualify for CEO Connect membership.

Jersey Finance Membership Fees

Membership Fees The cost will be pro-rated depending on the month you sign up to membership with us.

Standard Membership Fees

Based on headcount (full time equivalent).

  • 501+ (£31,950.00)
  • 301-500 (£28,000.00)
  • 151-300 (£24,020.00)
  • 126-150 (£18,050.00)
  • 101-125 (£11,950.00)
  • 76-100 (£9,050.00)
  • 51-75 (£6,510.00)
  • 26-50 (£3,510.00)
  • 11-25 (£2,005.00)
  • 6-10 (£1,515.00)
  • 1-5 (£999.00)
  • Trade Association (no charge)
  • Single-Person Business Membership As part of our ongoing support for small businesses, we’re delighted to offer a special membership option for new single-person businesses, with the first year absolutely free. If you have not previously been a Jersey Finance member firm, and believe you may be eligible, please contact us for full details.

CEO Connect

Based on headcount (in addition to standard membership).

  • 151+ (£6,575.00)
  • 51-150 (£3,295.00)
  • 1-50 (£1,325.00)
How to apply Register your Business ›

If you’re interested in signing up for Jersey Finance membership, please fill out the 2024 Members Annual Subscription Form.

What our Members say about us

98% are favourable towards Jersey Finance
97% would speak highly of Jersey Finance
95% satisfied/ very satisfied with their interactions with Jersey Finance over the past 12 months

“I think they do a very good job of representing the Island’s financial industry globally. They organise a number of events, presentations and generally seek to make certain that the island remains relevant.”

“They’re doing a lot of good work to promote the Island in lots of different  jurisdictions. It helps me keep my job, it’s good for industry and that’s good for me and the Island. Their industry outreach and transparency is good.”

“From our dealings we’ve had with them they’ve always been very helpful. They produce a large amount of literature on the Island, doing the right thing, events were good and professional.”

“They have quality personnel, they’re very good at promoting the island and the financial industry overseas. They’re willing to organise and participate in events which promote individual companies and the industry.”